Respected Prime Minister There are mainly two issues which have to be given first priority Secure dwellings to those who have no residence mainly to the street dwellers and Cleanliness of the country For that my humble suggestion is that Waste lands in every district to be used for making dwellings to the poor people especially street dwellers They can be trained to make many attractive household and commercial goods from the waste materials like plastics

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  • Pramathesh Deka - 8 years ago

    Street dwellers can never stay away from city life in remote waste lands..this will be pure wastage of resources. Govt is already planning Housing For All scheme to give affordable residence to everybody, which will solve your first problem, I believe.

    And about cleanliness, Govt should install DustBins at every 50metres on street..otherwise people do not find place to throw petty wastes and throw just anywhere.